
Datasets included in this collection:

Resource Description
cdb90_to_cwsac.json CDB90 to CWSAC battle links
aad_battles.csv Records About Civil War Battle Sites, created by the CWSAC, 1990-1993, and deposited with the National Archives AAD
aad_events.json Records About Civil War Battle Sites, created by the CWSAC, 1990-1993, and deposited with the National Archives AAD
battlemisc.csv Miscellaneous battle data
bodart1908_battles.csv Bodart (1908) battles of the American Civil War
bodart1908_commanders.csv Bodart (1908) battle data: commanders
bodart1908_forces.csv Bodart (1908) battle data: force strengths and casualties
bodart1908_generals_killed.csv Bodart (1908) battle data: generals killed
bodart1908_to_cwsac.json Correspondence between Bodart (1908) battles and CWSAC battle IDs
bodart1908_to_dbpedia.json Correspondence between Bodart (1908) battles and resources
burdekin_langdana_war_trend.csv War Trend from Burdekin and Langdana (1993)
civilwarorg_battles.csv Batte data from
civilwarorg_commanders.csv Commanders in battle data
civilwarorg_forces.csv Strengths and casualties for forces in the battle data.
clodfelter_battles.csv Clodfelter (2008) battle data: battles
clodfelter_commanders.csv Clodfelter (2008) battle data: commanders
clodfelter_forces.csv Clodfelter (2008) battle data: forces
clodfelter_to_cwsac.json Correspondence between Clodfelter and CWSAC battles.
clodfelter_to_dbpedia.json clodfelter_to_dbpedia
cws2.json CWSAC Report Updates battle data
cws2_battles.csv CWSAC Report Updates battle data: battles
cws2_commanders.csv CWSAC Report Updates: commanders
cws2_dates.csv CWSAC Report Updates battle data: battle dates
cws2_forces.csv CWSAC Report Updates battle data: force strengths
cws2_locations.csv CWSAC Report Updates battle data: locations
cwsac.json CWSAC Report (1993) battle data
cwsac_battles.csv CWSAC Report battle data: battles
cwsac_campaigns.csv CWSAC Report battle data: campaigns
cwsac_commanders.csv CWSAC Report (1993) battle data: commanders
cwsac_forces.csv CWSAC Report (1993) battle data: forces
cwsac_preservation.csv CWSAC Report (1993) preservation priority categories
cwsac_significance.csv CWSAC Report Updates battle data: military significance categories
cwsac_theaters.csv CWSAC Report (1993) theaters
cwss_battle_units.csv CWSS battle data: units engaged
cwss_battles.csv CWSS battle data: battles
cwss_campaigns.csv CWSS campaign list
cwss_categories.csv CWSS unit category abbreviations
cwss_commanders.csv CWSS battle data: principal commanders
cwss_forces.csv CWSS battle data: forces
cwss_people.csv CWSS people
cwss_people_keywords.csv CWSS people data: kewyords
cwss_regiments_units.csv CWSS units (regiments)
cwss_state_names.csv CWSS unit state names
cwss_theaters.csv CWSS theaters
cwss_unit_tiles.csv CWSS Unit Titles
dyer_engagements.csv Dyer (1908) list of battles
dyer_to_cwsac.json dyer_to_cwsac
eicher_chronology.csv Chronology of Some Important Civil War Dates from Eicher and Eicher (2001)
eicher_units_table.csv Eicher table of unit sizes
fox_forces.csv Fox (1898) battle casualties (revised)
fox_forces_to_cwsac.json Correspondence fox_forces and CWSAC battles
fox_outcomes.csv Fox (1898) battle outcomes
greer2005_weekly_casualties.csv Weekly casualty data from Greer “Counting Casualties Week-by-Week”
kennedy1997_battles.csv Civil War Battlefield Guide data: battles
kennedy1997_forces.csv Civil War Battlefield Guide data: forces
livermore_army_sizes.csv Size of the Union and Confederate Armies (Livermore, 1900)
livermore_battles.csv Livermore (1900) battle data: battle list
livermore_commanders.csv Livermore (1900) battle data: commanders
livermore_forces.csv Livermore (1900) battle data: force strengths and casualties
livermore_to_cwsac.json Correspondence between Livermore (1900) battles and CWSAC battles
navalbattles.csv List of naval battles
nps_battle_units.csv National Park Service combined battle data: Battle in each battle
nps_battlelist.csv Comparison of battles in CWSAC AAD, CWSAC Report, CWSAC Updates, and CWSS
nps_battles.csv NPS combined data battle data: battles
nps_battles_to_wiki.csv NPSA Battles to Dbpedia/Wikipedia Correspondence
nps_campaigns.csv NPS combined data battle data: campaigns
nps_commanders.csv NPS combined data battle data: commanders
nps_forces.csv NPS combined data battle data: forces
nps_people.csv NPS combined data: people
nps_theaters.csv NPS combined data battle data: theaters
nps_unit_categories_ethnic.csv NPS ethnic categories of units.
nps_unit_categories_function.csv nps_unit_categories_function
nps_unit_categories_special.csv NPS combined categories of special functions of unit.
nps_unit_categories_type.csv NPS combined data categories of types of data.
nps_units.csv NPS Units
nytimes_civil_war_chronology.json nytimes_civil_war_chronology
phisterer_battles.csv Phisterer (1883) battle data: battle list
phisterer_engagements.csv Phisterer (1883) chronological list of engagements
phisterer_engagements_by_year.csv Phisterer (1883) number of engagements by year
phisterer_forces.csv Phisterer (1883) battle data: force casualties
phisterer_to_cwsac.json Concordance between battles in Phisterer data and CWSAC battles.
reiter2009_turning_points.csv Reiter (2009) Turning Points of the American Civil War
shenandoah.json NPS Shenandoah Report battle data
shenandoah_battles.csv NPS Shenandoah Report battle data: list of battles
shenandoah_commanders.csv NPS Shenandoah Report battle data: commanders
shenandoah_forces.csv NPS Shenandoah Report battle data: force strengths and casualties
ships.csv Union and Confederate ship list
ships_in_battles.csv Ships in battles
thorpe_engagements.csv Locations of engagements from Washington Post map, “Battles and casualties of the American Civil War”
unit_sizes.csv Distributions of personnel in units
wikipedia_battles.csv wikipedia_battles
wikipedia_forces.csv wikipedia_forces