################################### Distributions of personnel in units ################################### :name: unit_sizes :path: unit_sizes.csv :format: csv Distributions of the number of personnel per unit (e.g. regiment, Using the distribution of personnel per regiment from Livermore's (1900) examples of regiment sizes, and the table of units in Eicher and Eicher (2002), this data is the distribution of personnel in each type of unit (company, regiment, brigade, division, corps, army, etc.). See the `source `__ for the details of how this data was simuated. This data is used for estimates of strenghts in battles when the source gives only the number and types of units (e.g. :doc:`clodfelter_forces`, :doc:`cwsac_forces`, :doc:`cws2_forces`). Sources: [jrnold]_, [eicher2002civil]_, [Livermore1900]_ Schema ====== =========== ====== =========== belligerent string belligerent unit_type string unit_type mean number mean sd number sd p025 number p025 p25 number p25 median number median p75 number p75 p975 number p975 =========== ====== =========== belligerent ----------- :title: belligerent :type: string :format: default unit_type --------- :title: unit_type :type: string :format: default mean ---- :title: mean :type: number :format: default sd -- :title: sd :type: number :format: default p025 ---- :title: p025 :type: number :format: default p25 --- :title: p25 :type: number :format: default median ------ :title: median :type: number :format: default p75 --- :title: p75 :type: number :format: default p975 ---- :title: p975 :type: number :format: default